Alpha Financial's Investment Approach
Each client has an investment plan implemented for their unique needs.
Our core tenets are:
Let markets work for you. On a basic level, stock prices tend to reflect known information. Stock pickers and market guessers are outperformed, on average, by portfolio managers who do not try to time the market or guess trends.
Advance with science. Seek returns that reward specific risk levels, and seek an asset mix with reduced volatility.
Consider expenses and turnover. Don't let transaction costs impact returns.
Diversify. Seek an asset mix that combines to reduce ups and downs.
Stay disciplined. Don't lock in losses by selling on downturns, and then miss the upturns.
Emotional investors are outperformed by the broader markets.
Alpha is independent from Schwab but Alpha uses Schwab Advisor Services which allows Alpha to view and manage client accounts at Schwab. Alpha can help clients set up their accounts at Schwab.
Portfolio View
Alpha uses portfolio software which can view investments at any custodian or retirement account our clients hold. Alpha is able to include those assets in a single portfolio view, track for the client and advise on those assets.

Alpha frequently uses Dimensional Fund Advisor (DFA) mutual funds and ETF's because DFA closely matches Alpha's investment philosophy.