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About Alpha Financial Management

About our advisors

Comprehensive Financial Planning
Fee-Only Fiduciary Investment Advice

Michael Dayoub, CFP® MBA


Michael is the owner and CEO of Alpha Financial Management.


Michael enjoys mapping a secure retirement plan for Alpha clients.

Michael is also an expert at evaluating and addressing the many risks of being heavily weighted in employer stock and other equity arrangements, and has authored a book on those subjects.

Michael has an MBA focused in Finance from Georgia State University and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Practitioner. Michael also has a solid understanding of taxes from 100+ hours of training courses and multiple years preparing taxes at H&R Block.

Michael has a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Florida, but refuses to fix anyone's PC. He will, however, discuss at length topics of cyber-security and personal data security. Before becoming an advisor in 2003 Michael was a software developer, consultant, and manager of technical projects in Atlanta.  


Michael enjoys swimming long distances in open water for mental health, scenery, and occasionally exhilarating interactions with enormous dolphins. Michael believes he is an excellent cook but does not pretend to be a good musician despite his dedication and enjoyment.


Community Focus:

Michael serves on the board of Ogeechee Riverkeepers and the Savannah CFO Council. He's also served or serves on the Finance and Stewardship committee at his church. Michael enjoys volunteering for events around Savannah and his favorite is the Savannah Jazz Festival, where you'll find him selling memberships or serving beverages.

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Michael Dayoub, CFP® MBA

Wayne Jordan, CFP®  


Wayne joined Alpha in the summer of 2016, but he found his calling for Financial Planning long before; from personal family experience he understands the benefit of a having a long-term financial strategy in place, as well as the difficulties of reaching financial and personal goals when lacking a strategy. At Indiana University he earned his BA in Finance while focusing on personal financial planning. Upon graduation, he earned his licenses and joined a large brokerage firm. During this experience he quickly found that his personal beliefs aligned much more closely with fee-only planning as opposed to commission based advising. He firmly believes that the best way to serve individuals is to remove the conflict of interest of commission based selling and planning.


Client Focus
Wayne understands that while newspapers and media outlets glamorize financial headlines and ‘hot-button’ issues, the core of a strong financial strategy is weathering the highs and lows of investing. The most important thing investors can do sometimes is to tune out the pundits and stick to their strategy. He works with clients to make sure they have a strategy in place that will allow them to reach their goals, and along the way helps them avoid the pitfalls of making emotionally-charged decisions.


Community Focus
Wayne likes to stay active and so you may seem him around running around Daffin Park or exercising at the Habersham YMCA. He also enjoys playing pick-up basketball at Richmond Hill High School occasionally. He’s a huge Savannah Bananas fan and is happy he was able to attend quite a few games of their inaugural, championship season. He’s looking forward to next season to see if the Bananas can defend their title, he’ll be at a lot of games so say hello if you see him there!
Wayne also enjoys volunteering at the Humane Society of Greater Savannah. At Indiana University he was the Treasurer of Best Buddies so he is currently looking for an organization here in Savannah to volunteer helping mentally and physically disabled persons, if any clients know of any, please feel free to call and recommend them!


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Wayne Jordan, CFP®  

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